(English) Nine years ago, an idea was hatched, and a journey began. A journey that has been eventful to say the least. A tiny boat packed with a young energetic and enthusiastic group who while weathering cyclonic storms in the form of bombs, a pandemic, riots and civil unrest and an unprecedented economic implosion have created arguably Sri Lanka’s only digital company that operates at scale. It’s a story that would make a great book of fiction if it were ever written. However, it’s not fiction. It was all real including the “storms”.

We move into our 10th year with confidence that the momentum of last year is sustainable and profitable. The macro-economic stability will support our growth as will the need by individuals and businesses to efficiently allocate scarce financial resources and increase productivity.

As a company we will continue to invest in innovation. Being agile, relevant, and technologically ahead of the curve is part of the organisation’s DNA. Our capital is our people. As opposed to traditional bricks and mortar businesses our balance sheet is strengthened by intellectual capital. This is the backbone of the company.

The engineering capability and the intellectual property residing within the organisation is unrivaled. It is unique and is the bulwark from which we will launch further incursions into everyday life of all Sri Lankans. We have much more to do and the future will bring many opportunities.

Being a digital organisation operating at scale we will be an integral part of Sri Lanka’s inevitable digital future. Not only partnering in this progress but leveraging on digitisation in general.